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Tuesday, 19 July 2022 16:44

Grohmann #4 Survival

Written by

Grohman401I had something different in mind to post today, but after all the messages I got after yesterday's bonus post, I figured I'd better post more pics of this- the Grohmann #4 Survival knife. 

This particular one features water buffalo handles and is, in my opinion the finest bushcraft/survival/outdoors knife money can buy, and I'd happily put it up against any others- and I'm not just saying that because Grohmann makes these just up the road a bit from my house!Grohmann402

But don't take my word for it- @mike077s wrote about this exact model on our forum some time ago, and maybe by posting this we can get him off his butt long enough to say hello!  https://forum.multitool.org/index.php/topic,9589.0.html

Grohmann403@grohmannknives #grohmann #grohmannknives #grohmannnumberfour #grohmann4 #grohmann4s #outdoor #outdoorknife #survival #survivalknife #huntingknife #huntingknives #bushcraft #bushcraftknife #bushcraftknives #multitooldotorg #multitoolforum

Grant Lamontagne

As the founder of Multitool.org Grant has been a collector of Swiss Army Knives and multitools for over 25 years, and a user for over 40 years. 

With a day job working in the field, either out in the woods or on industrial sites, Grant uses tools every day for all manner of different purposes.

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