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Displaying items by tag: Gerber

Wednesday, 22 March 2017 14:50



Yesterday I brought you the first part of the epic battle between the Gerber Center-Drive and the Leatherman One Hand Tool.  When the smoke cleared from Round 1, Leatherman stepped out with three points, completely shutting out Gerber and their Center-Drive.  With that much of a lead right out of the gates, can Gerber come back?  The contest is far from over, so let's find out in Round 2. 

Published in Blog
Tuesday, 21 March 2017 14:03

Gerber Vs Leatherman

One Hand Tool vs Center-Drive

We all saw Gerber's marketing surrounding the release of the Center-Drive, and amongst the images of tattooed craftsmen re-imagining old world techniques and blending in modern technology, we saw the Center-Drive compared to both the Wave and the OHT. While Gerber's marketing may have been over the top, I don't think it was any worse than Leatherman showing soldiers carrying the OHT, despite the OHT never having been issues to troops anywhere, despite it having been designed specifically to try an usurp Gerber's hold on sliding head plier tool contracts with the military.

I guess what I am saying, is that when you cut out the marketer bullpoo and actually concentrate on the tools themselves, which one is better? Are they both hype, or are they both on the level? Or, one of each?

Published in Blog
Friday, 17 February 2017 15:56

Folding Shovels- Any Good?

Gorge 1You often see those silly little folding shovels from Gerber and SOG, the generic cheapos in Army Surplus stores and eBay and you wonder just how good they are? I mean they are probably okay in sand and soft dirt, but really, what good are they when things get hard? And yes, I mean hard, not difficult. Specifically, I mean rock hard, packed down, super frozen ice. The kind that starts as water (duh) then freezes, then has a huge weight placed on top of it, is occasionally warmed up slightly and refrozen until it is as dense as it can possibly get. In Canada we call it simply "winter."

Published in Blog
Thursday, 19 January 2017 13:42

SHOT Show 2017


The 2017 SHOT Show (Shooting, Hunting and Outdoors Tradeshow) is just about over now and we have seen just about all that was announced there, and in case you have missed some of it on our forum, here's a bit of a recap!

Published in News
Tuesday, 03 January 2017 19:01

Center-Drive Giveaway & Test

Are you getting tired of all the hoopla surrounding the Gerber Center-Drive yet?  I hope not, because we have more Center-Drive news!  Following the great showing the Center-Drive had during the 2016 Multitool.org Multitool Of The Year we decided to kick it up another notch!

Published in Blog
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:02

Best Multitool Of 2016

2016 tool of the year

It is that time again- time to have your say and make your voice heard! I know many of the readers out there may be sick of voting by now, but trust me, this time it's something important!  It's the Official 2016 Multitool.org Multitool Of The Year Award, and we want you to help us choose the winner!

Published in News
Monday, 05 December 2016 14:17

Gerber Center-Drive Review

Gerber Center-DriveIn November of 2016 Gerber introduced the Center-Drive in a major media storm.  Everyone was talking about it, wanting to try it for themselves, speculating on whether it was hype or whether it was the real deal.  I'm a bit late to the party for reviewing it, and you'll see hundreds of different reviews and unboxing videos already, but mine is going to be different, because there is a reason we are late to the party.  I have actually put mileage on the Center-Drive- I've carried and used it, and I don't think the value of a tool is in it's ability to be pulled out of a package.

Published in Gerber
Wednesday, 23 November 2016 19:03

Top 5 Multitools for Christmas

Christmas 2016 Group Shot

It's that time of year, and if you are thinking of asking for a tool for Christmas, or getting one for someone else but aren't sure what to get, here are some ideas (in no particular order!) on what to look for!  

Published in News
Wednesday, 09 November 2016 16:50

Gerber Center-Drive is here!


The gerber enter-Drive arived today and I thought I would share some of my initial impressions on it.  There will be a full review as soon as it has seen some use, but so far I am feeling quite positive about it.

Published in News
Wednesday, 19 October 2016 14:38

Gerber Center Drive Multitool

It has been a while since a multitool has come along that has generated so much excitement and anticipation as Gerber is doing with the new 

Center Drive Multitool.
I don’t believe any tool has created this much of a stir since the releases of the Victorinox Spirit and Leatherman Skeletool. Best of all we should have one on the way shortly for a review!

Gerber Center Drive Multitool

Published in Gerber
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