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Wednesday, 11 May 2022 13:08

Coast Fishing Buddy

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CoastFishing01The Coast Fishing Buddy is a neat little tool based on Coast's box platform, which is an extremely efficient group of features.

The box itself has a ruler, hook sharpener, diamond file and several wrenches, and inside are a lot more options like scissors, serrated blade, screwdrivers and more- plus they all locking using a similar method to the Utica Kutmaster Multitool.CoastFishing04

Read my full review of the Fishing Buddy at!

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Grant Lamontagne

As the founder of Grant has been a collector of Swiss Army Knives and multitools for over 25 years, and a user for over 40 years. 

With a day job working in the field, either out in the woods or on industrial sites, Grant uses tools every day for all manner of different purposes.