This is the EDC Pocket Dump Challenge Merit Badge, and unlike previous Challenge Badges, which require a member to achieve a task on their own, the EDC Pocket Dump Challenge Badge requires aid from two other members. Simply put:
When Challenged, Member A must post a photo of their pocket dump and describe the contents within 24 hours of receiving the challenge. Member A now has to choose two other members to challenge. If both of those challenged members post their pocket dump photos within 24 hours of being challenged then Member A can request the coveted EDC Pocket Dump Challenge Badge, which will then appear in his or her signature line.
If the challenged members do not post their pocket dump photos within 24 hours then Member A doesn't recieve the badge, and will be unable to try again until the next time they are challenged by someone else, so Member A is encouraged to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the members they challenge know they have been challenged!
What qualifies as EDC items? Simple- anything you carry every day since EDC means Every Day Carry, and that includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Keys and keychains
- Knives
- Multitools
- Wallets
- Watches
- Flashlights
- Jewelry
- Bags, packs, sheaths, holsters etc
- Phones
- Pens/pencils
- Notebooks
And of course, anything else you may carry with you every day to be prepared in general or have for specific purposes that may relate to health, profession or any other specific needs.